Martinique Lewis

Pitch Year



ABC Travel Greenbook

About Martinique

Martinique Lewis is an award-winning diversity in travel consultant and the creative force behind the ABC Travel Greenbook, a comprehensive resource connecting travelers with Black-owned businesses and communities across six continents. Inspired by Victor Hugo Green's original Green Book, her modern guide aims to celebrate Black culture globally and promote economic empowerment within the African diaspora.

In addition to her work on the Greenbook, Lewis serves as the President of the Black Travel Alliance, an organization she co-founded to advocate for increased representation and equity in the travel industry. Her efforts have been recognized by major publications, with both Travel + Leisure and Travel Pulse naming her among the most influential people in travel. Through her multifaceted initiatives, Lewis strives to reshape the narrative of Black travel and ensure that all travelers feel represented and welcomed.


Ime N. Etuk


Randy Wells